Thursday, October 6, 2011

What do you do with your zuchinni once you get tired of it?

I was struck earlier today by just how much I look forward to each change of season.  I think that has become even more so since I started gardening and paying more attention to what foods are in season and when.  We had our first fall rain earlier in the week and I just had to get out in it and go for a jog... Must be the Oregonian in me... As I jogged my few miles, breathing in the crispness of fall, I couldn't help but think about all the fall veggies that are just around the corner.  As I jogged, I realized that I still had summer veggies that have been calling to me to use in some way or the other...  So, before I can begin to dream about what yummy things the fall will bring, I need to have closure with my zucchini plant.  Out from the ground she will, and into the chicken coop to be processed into rich fertilizer.  As for the last few harvested zucchinis, the ones I didn't know what to do with, a while I ago I made...

Zuchinni Pickles!

These are actually wonderfully easy to make, for those inclined to making pickles or to canning.  Simply heat the pickling liquid and add the sliced zuchinni (I prefer cripy pickles, so I was careful not to cook them because they will anyways be cooked a bit during processing), hot pack the zucchini slices into hot jars.  Pour the liquid on top and process for 10 minutes.  I also put some in a large pickling jar, let the pickling liquid cool, mixed the slices and liquid together and stored in the fridge where I now have some awesome crisp zucchini pickles!  Below is the recipe for the pickling liquid.

Zuchinni Pickling Liquid (Recipe from Complete Book of Home Preserving)
14 Cups of sliced zuchinni
1/2 Cup canning salt
6 Cups white vinegar
4 Cups of granulated sugar
4 tsp mustard seeds
2 tsp celery seeds
2 tsp ground tumeric

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